Wednesday 30 October 2013

LTO Cartridge Memory Analyzer/Tape Analyzer

LTO Cartridge Memory Analyzer

Revealing the Quality of LTO Cartridges and Tape Drives

Do you know the quality of your cartridge? Your cartridge does! If you dont know the quality of your cartridge, you may be gambling with your companys data. e cartridge knows its past history. Dont you think you should know it too? e Maxell Cartridge Memory Analyzer gives you the ability to access and display that history in a clear and easy to understand format, and takes the "mystery out of trying to determine whether or not a tape is safe to use.
Introducing the Maxell LTO Cartridge Memory Analyzer
All LTO Cartridges contain an internal memory chip called Cartridge Memory (CM). is chip contains vital information about the cartridge. The Maxell CM Analyzer reads this information and extracts it into special software with a clear and concise display.
  • Identify deteriorating cartridges before they fail
  • Head off a problem before it becomes one
  • Store mission critical data with confidence
  • Establish quality standards for LTO cartridges and tape drives
How It Works

Loading The Cartridge 
The Maxell CM reader is approximately the same size as an LTO cartridge. Unlike an LTO tape drive, however, the Maxell CM reader does not need to thread the tape in order to access the CM. Just place the cartridge on top of the reader and the display immediately shows the relevant information.

A locator feature in the frame matches a notch in the cartridge, thereby ensuring that the cartridge is always correctly oriented.
Data displayed with the Maxell CM readerThe available data include:
  • Percentage of records in error
  • Recovered read & write errors
  • Unrecovered read & write errors
  • Servo errors & fatal servo errors
  • Number of bytes written & read
  • Number of cartridge loads Age of cartridge
  • Details of the last four times the cartridge was used
  • Details of the drive(s) that the cartridge was used in

Warranty : 1 year due to manufacturer defects and excluded wear and tear parts

Interested/Intended to know further/presentation/demo?

Please sms/call me at:-
HP : 012-397 5337
Time : 09:00 am to 07:00 pm only
Email : 

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